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We go out of our way to ensure that the general content of KL is and will continue to be available to anyone, free of charge. Our belief is that by presenting an infinite kite media mecca, we can only grow from the increased exchange of information and inspiration.

We are able to keep the main archives open to general visitors free of charge thanks to the support of our official Kitelife Subscribers… If you find our services, archives and mission valuable to yourself and the kiting community, please consider signing up today. It may not seem like much, but every subscriber makes a tremendous difference!

subscriber benefits

In addition to helping support our efforts, subscribers receive:

  • Access to exclusive subscriber prize drawings held every 4-6 weeks which generally feature ready to use kite and accessory packages from our sponsors, typically valued at $100-$400.
  • Uninterrupted access to our video tutorials, available in both HD and iPod/iPhone formats so you can review the tutorials at home or on the field when you need it most.
  • Recognition in our discussion forum by way of an “Official Kitelife Subscriber” graphic seen in your forum postings.

last 3 prizes

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$32.95 yr
Forum recognition
Auto renewal
Forum recognition
One-time payment

Click here for full subscription terms!

NOTE: Existing forum members can log in and add a subscription, new members be prompted to complete a free registration process for the Kitelife forum – just look for the optional subscription package during the registration process and select your preference.